Exhibition "Basic Income" of the Attac working group "Enough for All"
Under the title "Basic Income for Beginners", the travelling exhibition for the Basic Income Congress 2008 was developed by Hardy Krampertz and Werner Rätz. In the meantime, it has been shown in over 50 places and has contributed significantly to broadening and deepening the basic income discussion in Germany and Austria. New questions have arisen and old ones have taken on new forms. For this reason, the exhibition has now been comprehensively reworked.
At the same time, the exhibition has maintained its aim of introducing the topic of basic income and providing an initial introduction. The diversity and breadth of the basic income debate becomes clear. The concept with four thematic blocks has also been retained: What is a bge? How can a bge become reality? What and who speaks against a bge? What is the effect of a bge?
The exhibition will be on display as a permanent exhibition at the ESU.